Saturday, April 24, 2010

Museums develop from mere catalogs of nature to natural classifications, and museums tended to be specialized.

There was a great mobility of museums and museums were used for teaching.

1 comment:

  1. unreadable stuff:
    -Museums develop from mere catalogs of nature to natural classifications, and museums tended to be specialized.
    -There was a great mobility of museums and museums were used for teaching.
    additional notes:
    - often furnished with works of art, various oddities and rarities, would have showed a person's wealth/collection of knowledge.
    -this depiction in particular shows that the curator person is a midget (a natural oddity himself in a sense, especially during that time)
    -bust of dante, various shells, weapons, rare animals (preserved/stuffed - like the fish on the ceiling), reptiles, horns, feathers of rare birds, vials of rare chemicals, etc.
